

Pahahaha. This is my deal-blog that I`m being forced to write at knifepoint. How cruel. Doesn`t matter to me much, I don`t have anything to do with my life. Howsad.
Yes. I am happy, Shay.

You`re my other half, I'm miserable without you. I must admit we get in more tiffs than I can keep track of but we have more memories of laughter than sadness. You`re temperamental and my nonsense gets me in more trouble than I can imagine. I`m sorry for my actions, I try my best. I only wish to look out for you but if that means I have to twist your head to see in the right direction, so be it. I know my methods are unorthodox but I apologize again. This is the way I try.

You`re in my past and present. You`re one of the most important individuals I`ve met over the years in my life and I`m sorry. I`m sorry we`ve drifted apart. I`m sorry we`re not close anymore. I`m sorry I hurt you in the past. I still miss you but it`s hard for me to reattatch the threads that once held us together. I remember the times when we 'Lol`d' together, and I remember the times when it was hard for me to face you. I`ve known you for nearly two years and I don`t regret ever meeting you. I don`t know if it`s the same for you but I still want to continue our 'story'.

Laughter in the summertime. You`re the person I met by 'introductions' but you've slowly grown in my heart as a steadfast fixture. Ilikeyou. You`ve grown from a person that I would say 'Hello' to if you ran by, into a person that I anticipate spending hours together with. Without fail, you`ve managed to make me smile for every day we`ve talked. I`m sorry for being so dense before I realized how you felt and I wish to make it up to you ten-fold, given the chances. I enjoy our time together and I`ll stick with you 'til the end. If I don`t live up to that expectation, you can run to 'Tina'. <3

You make men lick. One point five years of chatting with you and I don`t regret it one tiny bit. You`ve helped me increase my bank of comebacks, score points, and you clash smashingly against my nature. Yes. I DO admit that if I am fail, then you`re probably the win to my fail. Sadly enough. If I were to choose the best person to be my insult dummy/sponge, you can go first on my list. Free of charge.

-omn, I suck at writing mah FEELINGS-

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